Wednesday 30 May 2012

Blary Bear in the sun

Blary Bear is somewhere much warmer today. He has disturbed the fish and they aren't sure whether to join in or swim away. Blary Bear doesn't care. He is enjoying the sun!

Sunday 27 May 2012

Blary Bear at the South Pole

This is Blary Bear. He likes to sing. I have set myself the challenge to do a small drawing each day for blog. I am calling them Blog Drops (short for droplets but also a bit like peppermint drops etc). Ha ha.
No doubt I have been influenced by Happy Feet, The Golden Compass and probably a c#%! advert. I hope you like him.

Saturday 26 May 2012

Princess Petunia

This ferret and her zombie rabbit friend, Zeezoo have been running my life for the last month. They are part of my major submission for Creative Character Design at COFA. I am very pleased with what I managed to do and have learned so much this semester.

Now, an explanation. No posts for several months thanks to the deteriorating state of our old satellite internet connection. However, with the new NBN satellite link now installed we can look to a communicative future, at least until HTML5 runs everything and maybe that won't matter. So I will be posting more regularly again I hope.